Seven of Wands: Determination and Courage

A throne surrounded by torches in a dimly lit hall, symbolizing the Seven of Wands tarot card’s themes of determination, resilience, and the courage to face challenges.

The Sevens represent the pursuit of desires and the unification of efforts under Venus’s harmonious influence. They illustrate the challenges of aligning personal ambitions with external circumstances, promoting deeper engagement and the refinement of goals. The Seven of Wands, echoing Mars' tenacity and Leo's fiery dynamism, symbolizes staunch determination, courage, and resilience. This card also draws upon the balancing and unifying energy of Venus, which fosters a sense of harmony and purpose in the pursuit of one's desires. It represents the third decan of Leo, where Mars' drive intensifies Leo's passion, creating a potent force to surmount adversity. This card champions the enduring pursuit of goals, even amidst daunting challenges, illustrating that perseverance leads to victory.

Key Traits

  • Determination: The unwavering commitment to achieving goals and surmounting challenges.

  • Courage: The bravery to face opposition and defend your position.

  • Perseverance: The strength to endure difficulties and continue pursuing your objectives.

Numerical Influence


The Sevens represent the pursuit of desires and the unification of efforts under Venus’s harmonious influence. They illustrate the challenges of aligning personal desires with external circumstances, promoting deeper engagement and the refinement of goals. Each Seven card reflects the pursuit of desires or ambitions within its suit, emphasizing the need to balance attraction and harmony. Venus’s unifying energy fosters the integration of desire and purpose, encouraging growth through the pursuit of ideals and aspirations.

Elemental Essence


  • Active & Expansive: Initiates action, moves upward and forward.

  • Rigid & Separative: Draws boundaries, emphasizes distinctions.

  • Nature: Diurnal, emphasizing vision, speed, and assertive energy, focusing on immediate action, bold leadership, and tangible results over reflection.

    • Hot: Moves up, expands, adventurous, diurnal.

    • Dry: Separates, rigid, accentuates distinctions.

Zodiac Environment

Leo (Fixed Fire)

  • Sustains Stability: Emphasizes charisma, consistency, and a steady pursuit of goals.

  • Choleric Temperament: Proactive, adventurous, thrives on challenges.

Decan Influence

Mars in Leo

  • Mars: Action, conflict, transformation, bravery, and assertiveness.

  • Leo: Commanding, vibrant energy, focused on prominence and acknowledgment.

Practical Insights

Relationship Insight

  • For Relationships:  The Seven of Wands brings the energy of determination and resilience into relationships. It signifies standing firm in your beliefs and defending your relationship against external challenges, fostering mutual respect and support.

  • Reflection: “How can I stand firm and protect my relationship?” Consider ways to reinforce your commitment and support your partner through challenges.

Career and Financial Insight

  • For Career: This card highlights the importance of determination and resilience in the professional world. It signifies the need to stand your ground, defend your ideas, and persevere through challenges. The Seven of Wands encourages unwavering commitment and strength in the face of adversity.

  • Practical Advice: “How can I demonstrate resilience in my career?” Reflect on ways to defend your ideas and maintain your position, even when facing opposition.

Personal Development Insight

  • For Growth: The Seven of Wands encourages personal growth through resilience and determination. It urges you to stand firm in your beliefs, defend your goals, and persist through challenges. This card highlights the transformative power of perseverance.

  • Action Step: “Identify a personal challenge and develop a strategy to overcome it.” Embrace opportunities to demonstrate resilience and strengthen your determination.

Embrace the Courage

The Seven of Wands urges you to embrace the energy of determination and courage. By standing firm in your beliefs and defending your goals with bravery, you can overcome adversity and achieve your desired outcomes. This card encourages you to harness your inner strength and face challenges head-on, knowing that true victory lies in unwavering resolve.

Reflection exercise

  • Journal Prompt: Reflect on a time when you demonstrated courage and determination in the face of adversity. How did you navigate the challenges, and what did you learn from the experience? How can you apply these lessons to future situations that test your resolve?